The Perfect Program PAL Script SAM Broadcaster





The Perfect Program PAL Script Lets You

Start Shows On Time In SAM Broadcaster

Perfect Program PAL Script for SAM Broadcaster


If you have ever setup an event to run a show, a stream, an interview or the news you know the event loads, however it will not start after it loads. Usually, the show will have to wait until what is currently playing to finish before the show can begin to play. Let me introduce you to the perfect program pal script!

I created the perfect program pal script to solve this issue. What it does is load the intro of a show if it has one, the show itself and the outro then plays it after loading so that everything runs on time. The event scheduler is used to run the pal script at the time it should run and the pal script handles the rest.

My Perfect Program PAL Script is available here:–> RoderickCarter Login
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